Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers Meeting
January 13, 2015
(The following minutes were voted and accepted at the March 16, 2015 meeting)
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 19:02 hours at the Newbury Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Wallace Ziehler, Timothy Wareham, Terrence Martin, Justin Webb, Nate Walker, and Douglas Packer.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by William Pearson to accept the minutes from December 15, 2014 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Building Inspector Sam Joslin and Board of Health Agent Deborah Rogers, as well as a neighbor Brian Sholler were present to discuss the outdoor wood burning furnace located at 10 Fruit Street. BI Joslin states that the DEP would like to do a site visit. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the Fire Department's responsibility is to respond to complaints of nuisance smoke calls only and to not be involved in the permitting or enforcement process.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais and Town Accountant Eileen DeVeau were present to discuss the FY 16 budget. TA Blais explained the budgeting process and offered any assistance that she could. Ms. Blais also stated that she has not received any complaints about the Fire Department and that the Selectmen are committed again this year to support the Public Safety Departments. The budget will be submitted within the next two (2) weeks. The upcoming lease agreements were also discussed.
Plans for the proposed Yoga Studio on Newburyport Turnpike were discussed. Chief Pearson explained the requested amendments to the previous roadway requirements.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. and 2nd by Terrence Martin to accept the requested amendments presented by the owner. Motion passed unanimously.
Plans for the proposed self storage facility on Sled Road were discussed. It was noted that we will be acting on Stage 1 of the project tonight and not Stage 2. The Board discussed requiring a pull station on the front of the building, having the property well lit, requiring a siren or radio transmitting access gate, no impeded access for the Fire Department, and requiring an additional door on the A-B corner of the main building.
Motion made by Terrence Martin and 2nd by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. to send the usual commercial letter with the additional requirements discussed above to the Planning Board. Motion passed unanimously.
Training - the next combined drill will be ice rescue and we will possibly burn a boat.
Recent dispatch problems with a call on Newbury Neck Road were discussed. Chief Pearson will contact Deputy Chief Lucey.
Deputy Janvrin states that the next meeting will have to be scheduled for the Tuesday after the usual meeting date due to the holiday.
Captain Wareham thanked everyone who was involved with the Bon Fire.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. and 2nd by Terrence Martin to adjourn at 20:56 hours. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers